Création de votre logo à Pau avec InKréa
Graphic creation
Logo creation & visual identity
You come fromstart your businessor be in the process ofcreationWheretake back the enterprise?
After a telephone interview during which we discuss your professional project together,
we come back to you with graphic proposals for yourlogoand yourvisual identity.
We take care ofcreate a logothat looks like you, that is in line with your market sector,
and with your core clientele (target).
Together, we rework the logo, combining your comments and desires with ourexpertiseand ourtips,
until you get a PERFECT result!
Once the logo is defined, we define your entiregraphical charter, to constitute areal visual identity,
recognizable and harmonious: variations of the logo on different backgrounds, adaptation of the visual tosocial networks,
graphic elements, colors, typography...
Your company finally has a realgraphic identity.
Creation of visuals dedicated to social networks
Thesocial networkshave become an essential communication channel for today's businesses.
Therefore, in addition to youtraining in Community Management,
we offer you to create dedicated media to be published
on your profiles and pages (instagram,Facebook, etc.).
Entrust us with the creation of your mediaWeb marketingandsocial networks,
is to ensure that they will be professional and created in harmony with yourvisual identity,
to ensure consistency in your communication and
more impact with yourSocial media communities.
Creation and printing of your print materials
Of course, beyond thecreation of your logoand thedefinition of your visual identity,
we create yourprinted communication materials:
business cards, flyers, brochures, brochures, posters, signage, signs,
billboards, catalogs...
We create these media in respect of yourgraphical charterto assure
visual harmony of your global communication.
We offer you to take charge of the organization of theprintswith ourpartner printers;
advice on the choice of paper, weight, lamination, etc.,
creation of the order, sending of the file adapted to the printer constraints,
advance printing costs, delivery to your address.
Becauseecologyis very important to us, we will always offer you
prints on recycled paper,
and/or fromsustainably managed forests.
Advice in Webmarketing & Communication
Throughout our support, we remain at yourlisten.
Need oftipsto get you started onsocial networks?
How worksGoogle My Business?
Why set acore target?
All these essential steps in the development of aeffective communication strategy
are discussed in detail in ourCommunity Management & Webmarketing training.
However, we support all our customers in these essential steps,
so that you don't leave yourself in the wild, armed with your graphic charter and without knowing how to move forward.
We offer a formulacoachingto help you manage yourdigital communication.